Tuesday, February 2, 2016


There is me and you and a thousand of millions of possibilities.
To be the one who had to give nothing because it all turned into Gold.

I saw a swift patten that repeats. Swift, swift, single, single, all around your focus of your favorite things. Like musical notes and live TV outside all of the time time. No need to fool but to live. A clear world.

I will not go back to terms that are not healthy. I will learn my whole life lesson and be grateful for that lesson because it has given me grace and a way out straight to the light.

Do you remember loving me or were you to mad to remember? Sometimes the mind creates blocks that cause us to see a bit blurry but the truth will come to focus. The truth is the light.

I don't sell. I don't buy. I AM. Why does that hurt so much? It hurts to give you something that you still keep asking for? We have gotten ourselves in some kind of rut , but not in our own making. Bad intentions, clear skies ahead.

I love how we work together. I just just just love you. This would not be the same without you, would it be posiible? They teach us what we know. Why lie about what I don't care about?

It took me one spark to know. It took me longer to belive that delayed it but I know, I know, I KNOW!!!

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