Monday, October 22, 2012

Beauty NEVER told

I'm sorry I can’t make you happy.
I tried
I promise I did.
There was just as much as I could do.
I saw you suffer,
I saw you cry
Believe me when I say I believed everything you said.
It wasn’t that
 It was more like there was nothing I could do.
I would have cried
I would have held you!
I don’t think that would have helped
I even went to thoughts that you might leave me,
how was I suppose to stop?
This all just happened!
That is life,  I guess life knows more than us sometimes.

I thought I had control,
control over things I didn’t even really believe yet.
I always seemed to have something to complain about,
funny how humans sometimes don’t make sense.
We ask for things we don’t even know if we want
And sacrifice ourselves to avoid conflict

The people I meet who were scared like me
We both stayed quiet.
We did nothing, some of them lied
It made it easier that way
Others never said what they feared.
Many felt hope compassion, love.
And it stopped as time passed.
We let what was once on fire

Its just that I saw the other kind dissolve,
They were all talk
None were brave
Their memories are dying
But I still remember
It’s been so long since I’ve even heard a sound
Oddly I miss them,
Surprised I still love them
In many ways
 I stay grateful to them,
A part of my inspiration
The inspirations of my poems
The heroes of my stories

They came up with this great idea
Of Beautiful things
I saw in their eyes
But it died in them
None of them remember.

Nothing was left but
The seed they left
I took it and I planted it inside
And  I let it  grow in my heart
There are the words that live in me today.
Of all of the people I loved,

 They stayed in that mold that didn’t quite fit
Lost in this life
Many unrecognizable.
I will never understand
Why people that loved us
The ones we trusted 
Left us like this,
In complete.

I need to make it grow again
These stories must have a purpose
I take what was left behind
the smiles, that laughs
the experiences
The extra baggage they threw to the side,
 I pick it up
and I polish and make it shine
This has to live again.

I couldn’t help you,
I might never see you again
But I can say those words
You wanted the world to know
the ones you thought no one would listen
when you let hope die inside of you
they did make sense
there are all things the world needs to know
I want to  help like you helped me
When I didn’t know
Why I was here for
Who I was yet.
I want to help  you remember too!

Such beautiful things
So many different places
See Inside we are all  even more beautiful!
All good All genuine
And I miss you!

Its time to share
The stories never told
share the love
Bursting inside
the memories
that changed me
This is my tribute to beauty never told.
Enough to change the world.

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