Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Precious moments for me , for others might mean nothing. I can write a million words that might seem meaningless, but many people miss the Gold hidden in them. I don't. I look for the Gold, because I already know it is everywhere!.. When you start looking for the Gold, in the most odd, spontaneous, or simple moments you pass everyday, you WILL find it. I never wanted to be like those people in funerals who seemed like they were in so much pain because they never enjoyed "moments" with the one who has passed on. I live for moments, and I try to never ask anything in return because I already feel like Ive been given so much! Moments that become a part of me, moments where I don't have to make believe because they really did happen! I can hit repeat in my thoughts  over and over again.
That is Gold. If such simple moments can create such bliss, imagine what we can all do together.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Some blue love..

Anything in blue
Reminds me of you
They say blue is sad
They say blue is bad

The sky is blue
I think of you
The sea is blue
I think of you.
And even if I miss you
I know I will be
Happy when I see you

Happy and blue
To know you
Like the ocean you are vast
Like the sky you are endless
Blue or not
Green ,red or yellow
I am falling for you.
Purple or blue again
I will love you

*A Ara Creation

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I think I learned to live when I was going to die. When I had nothing to live for and was ready to leave this world of distruction. Of pain. Of heartless people. Then my little brother walked in to see if I was ok. The only person in the world who still smiled at me. I didn't want to leave a bloody mess for him. I didn't want him to suffer for the love he had for me for the light he saw in me. I was going to live for him. That was all. God knows when to hit. Its always a perfect moment. The love in his eyes the worry for me?  What? Who could love a freak? If someone as beautiful and pure as him would then I guess there must be something outthere I still didn't understand and guess what? I was right and I found it :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


La luz es un resplandor que encadila
Lo mas triste en este mundo es ver una luz tapada
Un sacrificio diario a nada
Morrir por nada
Sufriir por nada
Ver alas que se pierden por no acer el intento de movelas
Sabiento la ruta , mirando el cielo y sentir la luz que te jala
Y decedir detenerlas en un espacio vacio
Lo mas triste de este mundo es ver una luz
que nunca sera descubierta
que nunca sabra lo que se siente perderlo todo y volver a nacer en el paraiso
lo mas doloroso es ver una luz opacada por un sacrificio que no mueve nada,
los mas doloroso de esta vida en ver una luz apagarse y perderse en la oscuridad
sin motivo, sun esperanza  y  sin historia.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The feal of not getting your most wanted desire. The fear that althou being so close you will loose it in one instant and things will be back to how things were before the light came and made the darkness in you disapear.  The fear that I will meet the darkness again. Althou, this all sounds observed. I dont think this light will ever leave me, even if I were REALLY in complete darkness. These are the things that are worth suffering, because like a very old wise lady told me once, Sorrow is your joy unmasked, so yes it was THAT GOOD, maybe instead of fear I should replace is with undiscribed happiness, because I dont think I ever would have known this kind of happiness exsisted if I would not have tried... I must be very lucky then..

I just remembered this :

On Joy and Sorrow
 Kahlil Gibran
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
And how else can it be?
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?
And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Some of you say, "Joy is greater thar sorrow," and others say, "Nay, sorrow is the greater."
But I say unto you, they are inseparable.
Together they come, and when one sits, alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.

Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.
Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.
When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall.

Thank you.

Esto es un cuento de mariposas, adas donde exsisten solo principes y
princesas en un reino perfecto. Sabian que vivimos en un reino perfecto?
Todos fuimos creiados para algo mejor, sin embargo la oscuridad nos a
cegado los ojos y olvidamos el viaje que dimos y emos olvidado lo que un
dia nacimos para acer. Ya no quiero ser como me enseñaron desde que vi la
luz de este mundo. quiero ser lo que yo se que vine acer y esta vez seguire
lo que me a dictado mi corazon desde que mi corazon me dio racionamiento.
Mis ojos cansados y mi casado llamado weco cuerpo ya no pueden seguir
finhiendo ser de una forma que yo se que no soy/ En las mañanas cuando me
levanto con una sensation extraña y mis ojos tristes caminan como si fuera
un espiritu sin descanso o en las noches cuando me duermo con un sueño de
un mejor mañana. Esta vez cuando sienta que me vuelve a domiar el mundo
cerrara mis ojos y me imaginara un paraiso donde sere libre como en el
tiempo cuando fui feliz. Donde mis pensamientos no son condenados por los
demas y mis oidos esucharan el suava sonido de una musica donde me dejar
bailar y brincar a como se me señale la musica. Sere libre, sere yo, y
nadie podra contradecir mi razonmiento. Sere feliz y encontrare la paz
deseada con solo cerrar mis ojos y una sonrisa vendra a mi boca y me
llenara de una alegria y paz como cualquier otra. EL miedo sera desterado
de mi ser, porque ahora se que naci para algo mas, y mi corazon me dice la
verdad, y no tengo que temer nada en la vida porque soy una elegia, somos
los elegios no te das cuenta! Se valiente, y cierra los ojos y siente como
la sangre se mueve dentro de tus venas para mantenerte vivo. y como tu
corazon lucha para mantenerse vivo. Es para algo mas! Asi cuando pensavamos
que no eramos parecidos es porquee teniamos ua pedaza de la relidad y >poreso hoy busca tu paraiso porque exsiste compuesto de lo que te aga feliz
y podras acer libre como venimos acer! La felicidad exsite. No ay nada que
temer hoy vi todo claro. Y solo quiera compartirtelo Y no no me a vuelto
loca.......creo que me a vuelto sana.......