Friday, January 29, 2016

Fellow friends.

Hello fellow friend,

I am writing to you today to express some concerns and maybe some ideas on how our current energy is affecting us. I have been trying to write a "book" but really who has time to do such things. Do not get me wrong.. I wrote my book it is ready to publish and print. I even have the cover but now I wish to write about this transition time with transitory thoughts we are going through and right down some stuff. First of all I have always wanted to write but only if I know someone will read it. Is that silly? Might be. Still, I think you might in the near future or some time in time. I remember accidentally reading something I had written a long time ago that I found and I was impressed before I remembered it was me who wrote it. What does this tell you about us? We are a traumatized species who has been hitting a lot of realizations lately everyday more and more and I believe we are waking our consciousness and we will soon remember and be able to "see" a vivid picture of what it happening. The best part is what I will always write something you already know which is in fact proving my point. I feel nervous about writing because I feel like I have to write a certain way so someone would want to read it and then I think that is exactly what takes out the fun of it. The fun of the whole story which I am not not sure what part plays what then I remember I am not God. I had no idea this would play this way. It is pretty amazing and I think this is where we all are about to come together. I apologize about yesterday. There are times when I feel like I am not doing much because I am not putting my full attention to this project but then I remember I have been doing this all for myself and I am left with the question so I really want to share this? My work? My progress? My time? For who? Who truly deserves the recognition for this "project". My God. I have to believe that whatever he wants for me is better for him.  When I think that way I can't help but think of you and how much I love you. I want to be happy. I want to be very happy. Is that what I have to ask for? Did I rip your heart out when I left? It was not my intention to do so, I would have gotten used to all of it but for good reasons we were knocked off and our m ind cleared. The true lesson I believe,  is that we will still love each other. I believe we will still be together and that will be the ultimate clearing for this what we call now the old age.

We have to keep believing because it is all we have and we need to know how to do this. Nothing will go wrong and nothing can be worst than the spot where they have us standing unable to move. That my friend is what those little critters do to call them the least. I don't to be mean and well that streak is gone from me.  I think that respect is the most important thing we can give to another. You don't have to love me but you do have to respect my space and my way od being. You do not get to decide what I like. You do not get to decide who I love. You do not get to decide who I love. If it is what it is let it be what it is. We always move, we know that. What do you all do? The most powerful people in the world who makes sure anyone who gets some light gets treated as if they are crazy . This effect makes what is wrong in our society while they hide themselves in their elite groups. Let me tell you, there is not more elite group than the power of God.  I want to be with you so that is exactly what is going to happen.  God is good and we will see his glory.  

I never knew that I was being looked at that way and if I did it was not what I was seeking. I saw all of you take everything for granted and I had nothing. Yet, all of you would look at me with confusing and jealous thoughts. It never made any sense to me but I just prayed , thought about it a little and always ended up giving it to God. He is my father and really the only person who knows me inside and out. I don't even know who I am sometimes especially when I am pretending to be something I am not , whenever I am forced to speak to those who do not want to speak with me. Although, in those circumstances the people always just talk and talk and talk to me. It must be because I really listen and I am always in the look out for signs that maybe soon, maybe one day soon, I will find my place or at least a arrow that will point me in the right direction. 

Why would anyone want to hurt another if they knew and if they saw the reality of what was really happening?  I know that we are all good. I know that our intention is never bad and we act in ways that we are conditioned to. I know that we always remember and we must always trust your heart. Your heart is the one that is always trying to speak to you. That is a way of communication.  This way even if you are wrong it will take you to a new and better direction that gets much easier with practice, just like any meditation can do. Closer, closer.  You have to know that you are in some type of video game of glitch program. You can't be scared and you can't be scared on what people think about it or can think about it. You have a shield of shimmering Gold what protects you from everything. You need to remember that no matter how they hit you , you can heal.  Now the real question you need to ask yourself is. Why would anyone want to hurt you if they are suppose to love you. They don't. This is where I am sure they are other energies that help them our a bit per day. That helps explain it a little but there are other entities that love to get in the middle of anything that seems good. It is just the way it is and it is best to accept it because this knowing will help you understand the rest of everything.

Now, I do have good news. I have began to see the light again (first time in this life in the way it is described to us) and I realized that the light was always there. Love is good and it feels good. It is the liars, the darkness, the shadow, the lies, and the cheating that has been imposed on us that has covered it.  So many people talk out of their asses it is sick! Now, there are us who work so hard to create a place of peace and these liars ( using the mold of the old system that no longer works because it is being cleared!!!) who forget what they are always saying because it is all based on lies.  If you give them enough time they wrap themselves on us (energy vampires) and always fall into their own traps. It is kind of fun to watch. Trust me sometimes we just have to have a little fun with all of these "lessons" or "downloads" because we can love them because they are steady, they are always there ready to offer help. We have to remember that is very important. We have to hold on to what we believe. What we believe is ours. Now, you have to ask yourself if you believe in something you are paying attention to or are you somewhere where you really don't want to be. You have to know and you  need to take action steps to get to where you want to go, otherwise you will just be in the way. That is my honest answer.

What is coming is coming hard and the best way to protection yourself is by covering yourself with love . Unfortunately this won't work if you are not seeing your pure intention from your pure essence.  You need to use your unique self, who you really are. If you are embarrassed of who you are and are not sure a sure way to find out is to try something you enjoy. It is what makes you happy it is not something you think was suppose to make you happy and has not made you happy. Let them eat shit and learn their lesson it is what a true friend must do.  There is nothing to do, there is nothing to understand just give it to God. If you are happy and if you trust and if you have fun you will get realizations that will forward your "agenda" The rules must be followed this is who we are. We are the free race and people who are around you are with you because they love you. This way we will spread the spark of realization. With just a smile.  

So smile. 

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